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Melenchon Macron


A veteran firebrand from Frances left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has a strong chance of keeping President Emmanuel Macron from controlling the next government. Both will be trying to recruit some of the 77 million people who supported the radical left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who was the only leftwing candidate to get close to him. The offer helped Mélenchon reach out to some of Macrons most famous opponents, the Yellow Vest protesters, which at one point seemed capable of bringing his presidency to a standstill.] A foreign affairs expert says that having Mélenchon as prime minister would be good for Frances international politics.

A veteran firebrand from Frances left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has a strong chance of keeping President Emmanuel Macron from controlling the next government. Both will be trying to recruit some of the 77 million people who supported the radical left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who was the only leftwing candidate to get close to him. The offer helped Mélenchon reach out to some of Macrons most famous opponents, the Yellow Vest protesters, which at one point seemed capable of bringing his presidency to a standstill.] A foreign affairs expert says that having Mélenchon as prime minister would be good for Frances international politics.

Macron En Nouvelle Caledonie Melenchon Illustrations Satiriques Caricatures Politiques Caledonie
