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How To Clean Washing Machine Drawer Hotpoint

h1>Cleaning Your Washing Machine Dispenser Drawer

How to Remove Your Washing Machine Dispenser Drawer

Your washing machine dispenser drawer is a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. If you don't clean it regularly, it can start to smell and cause your clothes to come out dingy. Here's how to clean your washing machine dispenser drawer in a few simple steps:

Step 1: Remove the Drawer

The first step is to remove the dispenser drawer from the washing machine. This is usually done by pressing a release button on the front of the drawer and then pulling it out. Once the drawer is removed, you can take it to the sink to clean it.

Step 2: Clean the Drawer

To clean the drawer, use a soft cloth or sponge and a mild dish soap solution. Be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies, including the compartments where the detergent and fabric softener are dispensed. Once the drawer is clean, rinse it thoroughly with water and let it dry completely.

Step 3: Reinsert the Drawer

Once the drawer is dry, you can reinsert it into the washing machine. Make sure it's aligned properly and that it's securely in place. You can now run a cycle with hot water to rinse out any remaining soap residue.

Tips for Keeping Your Dispenser Drawer Clean

Here are a few tips for keeping your washing machine dispenser drawer clean:

  • Clean the drawer regularly, especially if you use a lot of detergent or fabric softener.
  • Use a mild dish soap solution to clean the drawer, and avoid using harsh chemicals.
  • Rinse the drawer thoroughly with water after cleaning it.
  • Let the drawer dry completely before reinserting it into the washing machine.
