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How To Get Rid Of Field Mice In Your House

**Effective Mouse Control: Rid Your Home and Garage of Unwanted Guests** Are you tired of dealing with pesky mice in your home or garage? Here are some effective tips to help you get rid of these unwanted visitors for good: **1. Use Humane or Lethal Traps** Choose between snap traps that kill mice instantly or humane traps that capture them alive. Humane traps allow you to release the mice far from your property, preventing them from returning. **2. Eliminate Food Sources** Field mice are attracted to food debris. Keep your home and garage clean, securing all food sources in airtight containers. Vacuum or sweep regularly to remove crumbs and spills. **3. Seal Entry Points** Inspect your home and garage for cracks or gaps where mice can enter. Seal them up with caulk, steel wool, or expandable foam to prevent further invasions. **4. Use Natural Deterrents** Peppermint oil is a natural repellent that mice dislike. Place cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil near potential entry points or anywhere mice have been spotted. **5. Consider Humane Traps** If you are concerned about harming mice, consider using humane traps that capture them alive. This allows you to relocate the mice to a safe distance from your home. Remember, mouse control is an ongoing process. By following these tips, you can effectively eliminate mice from your home and garage, creating a pest-free environment for you and your family.
